What is Japanese Knotweed and how do you identify this rapidly spreading, destructive plant in your garden this summer? 

Although rather attractive, Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica) is a strong growing, destructive plant that spreads rapidly. In winter the plant dies back beneath ground but by early summer the bamboo-like stems shoot to over 2.1m (7ft), suppressing all other growth. Eradication requires steely determination as it is very hard to remove by hand or with chemicals. New legislation now covers its control.

Here are some facts about the appearance of Japanese Knotweed in the summer:

  1. The stems will grow to a maximum height of 2-3 metres
  2. The stems are green with red/purple speckles and are hollow
  3. There will be visible nodes between the stem sections, which makes them look like bamboo
  4. There will be a very dense cluster of bamboo stems with lots of foliage
  5. The leaves will have a distinctive zigzag pattern on the stems & will be heart shaped with a pointed tip and a straightened edge
  6. Between August and October the plant will have tiny white flowers.

Why is it a problem?

  • It can grow through concrete and tarmac
  • Property values can be drastically reduced
  • Mortgage providers would normally refuse to lend on properties affected by it
  • A tiny piece can rapidly grow in to a whole new plant
  • It can grow up to 10cms every day

Once you have identified Japanese Knotweed in your garden, you will need to put in place a management plan.

Ashtrees have extensive knowledge of identifying and eliminating Japanese Knotweed and these are the steps we would take to eradicate it from your garden:

  • Identification and site survey
  • Devising a KMP
  • Liasing with the relevant statutory bodies
  • Eradication procedure
  • Viability tests

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